There is now a publicly-available UDC (User Defined Contest Module) for N1MM+ that properly scores the Tisza Cup contest. The download link is

https://n1mmwp.hamdocs.com/mmfiles/categories/userdefinedcontests/ and look for Tisza_Cup.zip in the list.

Files to be used should be copied/extracted to the folder....Documents\N1MM Logger+\UserDefinedContests

TISZA_CUP.udc is for stations in 'TISZA' countries.(OM, HA, UR, YO & YU)

TISZA_CDX.udc is for stations NOT in the above 'TISZA' countries.

Don't forget to enter YOUR Sent Exchange info (CQ Zone) when setting up for the contest.

N1MM+ version over 8501 is required.


ucxlog256UCX Log

Contest was added in Version 8.07 Beta 4.

Dowload link: http://www.ucxlog.org/

Please check it by starting the contest and logging some test QSOs.

After check use menu “Contest – Delete …” to remove the test QSOs.