Welcome to the official website of
Tisza Cup Contest

Three main categories

- Tisza riverside countries
- Other EU
- DX


CW only

(In the next coming years SSB and RTTY may also be held)


7 June 2025 Saturday
02:00 - 14:59 UTC

The Tisza Cup Contest

Objective: To contact radio amateurs around the world, especially with Tisza riverside countries (Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia), using the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter amateur bands. Observance of established band plans is strongly encouraged.

Tisza Cup CW Contest is held on

Saturday 07 June 2025

02:00 - 14:59 UTC

Self-spot is allowed !!!

Log submission deadline: 14 June 2025 23:59 UTC


The contest rules is available on Hungarian and English.

Plaket, Certificates

Award 2


Certificates: Electronic certificates will be made available in pdf format for download for everyone who submits an entry.

Plaques: Plaques are awarded for top performance in a number of categories. View the current list of plaques and sponsors at web app. Only one plaque will be awarded per callsign. A station winning a plaque will not be considered for a sub-area award; the plaque will be awarded to the runner-up in that area.

Special Awards: The two Radio Clubs in Debrecen and the Council of Debrecen city also established a special award. The individual participants (single op, both Tisza riverside and other categories) with the highest points will be invited to spend the Carnival week (with his/her partner) in Debrecen city. The Flower Carnival of Debrecen city and the related cultural and entertainment programs are famous far and wide. The special award includes the cost of weekly accommodation, meals and VIP entrance fees.

Log submission hints

upload form Eng

The callsign and email address fields are mandatory.

Select one of the three operator and power categories.

Logs will be evaluated according to the announced categories.

The system will only accept logs uploaded in Cabrillo format.

Your log submission will be confirmed in email with your claimed score.

The submitted logs will be publicly available after the submission deadline.