Dear Contester!
- Details
"If June, then Tisza Cup"
We would like to draw your attention to the TISZA CUP international HF competition, which will be held for the second time this year.
The detailed announcement is available at in English and in Hungarian.
We hope to see you in the HF bands on the 1st full weekend of June (June 5th and 6th this year)!
Please support this competition by participating and submitting your contest LOG!
73/88 and see You soon!
Organizers of the Tisza Cup International CW Contest
Results 2020
- Details
The plakets for winners of the 2020 Tisza Cup contest have been posted in December. The final result can be found here.
Congratulation to all the winners and thank you for all the contesters for attending to the Tisza Cup Contest,
See you again at the first weekend of June 2021.
Loggers for Tisza Cup contest
- Details
There is now a publicly-available UDC (User Defined Contest Module) for N1MM+ that properly scores the Tisza Cup contest. The download link is and look for in the list.
Files to be used should be copied/extracted to the folder....Documents\N1MM Logger+\UserDefinedContests
TISZA_CUP.udc is for stations in 'TISZA' countries.(OM, HA, UR, YO & YU)
TISZA_CDX.udc is for stations NOT in the above 'TISZA' countries.
Don't forget to enter YOUR Sent Exchange info (CQ Zone) when setting up for the contest.
N1MM+ version over 8501 is required.
Contest was added in Version 8.07 Beta 4.
Dowload link:
Please check it by starting the contest and logging some test QSOs.
After check use menu “Contest – Delete …” to remove the test QSOs.